COMPLETE CARD SET, Series One, 28 card/tiles
1. HERO Lupiko Kazemahou Power 3
Standard HERO tile. Can be used to defeat DANGER tiles.
Lupiko Kazemahou is a young Witch and mother to Chou Yaru. Uni lives with her.2. HERO Uni Power 6
Standard HERO tile. Can be used to defeat DANGER tiles.
Uni is a Unicorn Jelly, and may either be a random mutant or a divine creature.3. HERO Redcloak Millian Power 5 (+3)
Special HERO tile.
SPECIAL EFFECT: Can be used to defeat DANGER tiles. If Redcloak BORDERS Yasui, both gain a constant +3 as long as both are unflipped and on the table. This effect is constant, and needs no activation.
Redcloak Millian is a courageous and brawny fighter and the husband of Yasui.4. HERO Yasui Fodderman Power 5 (+3)
Special HERO tile.
SPECIAL EFFECT: Can be used to defeat DANGER tiles. If Yasui BORDERS Redcloak, both gain a constant +3 as long as both are unflipped and on the table. This effect is constant, and needs no activation.
Yasui Fodderman is a courageous and crafty fighter and the husband of Redcloak.5. HERO Chou Yaru Power 0
Special HERO tile.
SPECIAL EFFECT: Can be used to defeat DANGER tiles. Any DANGER or PERSONAGE tile that Chou BORDERS is forced to have a power value of ZERO as long as Chou is unflipped and on the table. If Karal BORDERS Chou, this power she has is itself neutralized, as long as Karal is unflipped and on the table. Her effect is constant, and needs no activation.
Chou Yaru Kazemahou is a hybrid crystal-human entity with a savant level mind, but damaged emotions. She is the daughter of Lupiko.6. Personage Muri Kazemahou Power 0
Standard PERSONAGE tile. Can be used to defeat HERO, DANGER, and other PERSONAGE tiles.
SPECIAL ABILITY: Muri provides a +2 to any HERO or DANGER she BORDERS as long as she is unflipped and on the table. Her effect is constant, and needs no activation.
Muri Kazemahou is Lupiko's aunt. She is involved with Dr. Makineri in a complex conspiracy, pretending to support him in order to protect the memory of her sister, and her family name. Muri works as the Executive Treasurer for the Gryrnu Governmental Council, and also as an Assistant Cultural Binder to Dr. Makineri.7. Personage Karal Yaru Power 4
Standard PERSONAGE tile. Can be used to defeat HERO, DANGER, and other PERSONAGE tiles.
SPECIAL ABILITY: Karal can nullify Chou's Neutalization ability, as long as he BORDERS her, and he is unflipped and on the table. His effect is constant, and needs no activation.
Karal Yaru is Chou's biological father. He was a respected weapons dealer, but became deranged when Chou was infected with Crystal Spores. He led the Impalist sect, a religion devoted to the genocide of all percieved to be all or partially non-human.8. Personage Thilia Lilinffylst Power 0
Standard PERSONAGE tile. Can be used to defeat HERO, DANGER, and other PERSONAGE tiles.
SPECIAL ABILITY: Thilia can be placed ON TOP of ANY other tile, COVERING it, and thus blocking it from being in play, so long as she is unflipped and on the table. Once placed, she cannot be moved, even if she is activated.
Thilia Lilinffylst is the High Priestess for Moon Pond Academy in Gyranfryll Wabe, the most prestigious and powerful Wiccan academy on Gryrnu. She is also the head of the Wiccan Seat in the Gryrnu Governmental Council.9. LOCATION Atellier Lupiko
Standard LOCATION tile. Affects BORDERING tiles.
BORDERING EFFECT: Atellier Lupiko gives a constant +2 to any HERO that BORDERS it, so long as it is unflipped and on the table.
Atellier Lupiko is Lupiko's own Magical Workshop, located in Ponsbury-On-The-Mere. It is not fancy, but it is home, and normally acts as both office, and clinic.10. LOCATION EverCliffs
Standard LOCATION tile. Affects BORDERING tiles.
BORDERING EFFECT: The EverCliffs give a constant +2 to any DANGER that BORDERS it, so long as it is unflipped and on the table.
Gryrnu WorldPlate is a smallish triangular, flat planet located in the universe of Tryslmaistan. The edges of this WorldPlate are referred to as the EverCliffs by the inhabitants. The cliffs open to endless air-filled space.11. LOCATION Kazemahou House
Standard LOCATION tile. Affects BORDERING tiles.
BORDERING EFFECT: Kazemahou House gives a constant +2 to ANY HERO, DANGER, or PERSONAGE tile that BORDERS it, so long as it is unflipped and on the table.
Kazemahou House, originally called Atellier Kazemahou, is Lupiko's original home, when she was younger. Her mother, Faelini Zarathustra Kazemahou was the must successful independant Witch in Gyranfryll Wabe, before her death.12. LOCATION Visco City
Standard LOCATION tile. Affects BORDERING tiles.
BORDERING EFFECT: Visco City gives a constant +2 to any DANGER that BORDERS it, so long as it is unflipped and on the table.
The city of the intelligent Jellies, and their enslaved cousins the Slimes, Visco City is home to the only known intelligent nonhumanoid species on Gryrnu Worldplate, possibly in all of the Tryslmaistan universe. It suffers a very uncertain relationship with the human communities, alternately being approached for trade, or being attacked as the home of inferiors and monsters.13. DANGER Impalist Power 5
Standard DANGER tile. Can be used to defeat HERO and PERSONAGE tiles.
The Impalists, led by Karal Yaru, are a religious organization devoted to the belief that all non-pureblooded humans and nonhumans are demons to be exterminated. They work to cleanse the world through genocide.There are a lot of them, unfortunately.14. DANGER Makineri Power 6
Standard DANGER tile. Can be used to defeat HERO and PERSONAGE tiles.
Dr. Daeus Makineri is the Union Boss of Alchemists Local 536 in Gyranfryll Wabe. Dr. Makineri is part of a secret organization with unclear motives. He has also been appointed as a Cultural Binder by the Council of Gryrnu, a position requiring the investigation and enforcement of the rigid limits on behavior, tradition and roles of both Alchemists and Witches, as well as the general populace. He is involved with Muri Kazemahou, who acts as his personal, professional, and sometimes private, assistant.15. DANGER Bufu Power 4
Standard DANGER tile. Can be used to defeat HERO and PERSONAGE tiles.
Bufu was the corrupt Boss Jelly of Visco City, a true SlimeLord. He was viscious and violent, ultimately he was defeated by Uni.16. DANGER Crystal Basilisk Power 6
Standard DANGER tile. Can be used to defeat HERO and PERSONAGE tiles.
A gargantuan crystalline self-replicating lifeform native to the Tryslmaistan universe. Called a Crystal Basilisk by the human population, this roughly cylindrical creature tumbles itself about by extruding spikes, in search of the nutrients it requires. It is this creature that infected Chou with it's aggressive reproductive spores.17. DANGER Impalist Power 5
Standard DANGER tile. Can be used to defeat HERO and PERSONAGE tiles.
The Impalists, led by Karal Yaru, are a religious organization devoted to the belief that all non-pureblooded humans and nonhumans are demons to be exterminated. They work to cleanse the world through genocide.There are a lot of them, unfortunately.18. DANGER Impalist Power 5
Standard DANGER tile. Can be used to defeat HERO and PERSONAGE tiles.
The Impalists, led by Karal Yaru, are a religious organization devoted to the belief that all non-pureblooded humans and nonhumans are demons to be exterminated. They work to cleanse the world through genocide.There are a lot of them, unfortunately.19. HERO Yiriel Fodderman Power 4
Special HERO tile.
SPECIAL EFFECT: Can be used to defeat DANGER tiles. Yiriel has the power to UNFLIP any and all tiles that she borders on the turn that she is placed down, or when she is activated by another tile.
Yiriel Fodderman is Yasui's mother, and dotes on her beloved son. She is the High Elven Healer at the Sea Temple of Port Kasru. She insited that Yasui and Millian's marriage be held only in her temple.20. LOCATION Hiding Place
Standard LOCATION tile. Affects BORDERING tiles.
BORDERING EFFECT: Hiding Place gives a constant +2 to any HERO that BORDERS it, so long as it is unflipped and on the table.
This is the hiding place in Visco City that Kay-Wai Kun used to shelter Uni-kun from the Jelly mob, in the Alternate Universe Shonen-Ai Saga.21. IMPETUS Nobility
Standard IMPETUS tile. Affects BORDERING tiles on the turn that it is placed.
BORDERING EFFECT: IMPETUS tiles activate any bordering tiles they touch on the turn they are placed down. An IMPETUS tile normally cannot be activated by another tile once it has been placed.
"What is nobility? What is Heroism? Is it the greatness of the strong? Or is it the heart to strive when hope no longer lives?"22. IMPETUS Ocha
Standard IMPETUS tile. Affects BORDERING tiles on the turn that it is placed.
BORDERING EFFECT: IMPETUS tiles activate any bordering tiles they touch on the turn they are placed down. An IMPETUS tile normally cannot be activated by another tile once it has been placed.
"Ocha, Ocha, Kudesai, do we want tea? hai, hai, HAI!"23. IMPETUS Tragedy
Standard IMPETUS tile. Affects BORDERING tiles on the turn that it is placed.
BORDERING EFFECT: IMPETUS tiles activate any bordering tiles they touch on the turn they are placed down. An IMPETUS tile normally cannot be activated by another tile once it has been placed.
"I was too shocked to cry..."24. IMPETUS Roller Skates
Standard IMPETUS tile. Affects BORDERING tiles on the turn that it is placed.
BORDERING EFFECT: IMPETUS tiles activate any bordering tiles they touch on the turn they are placed down. An IMPETUS tile normally cannot be activated by another tile once it has been placed.
Lupiko, despite all of her Wiccan training, is mortally terrified of heights!25. IMPETUS Unicorn Pee
Standard IMPETUS tile. Affects BORDERING tiles on the turn that it is placed.
BORDERING EFFECT: IMPETUS tiles activate any bordering tiles they touch on the turn they are placed down. An IMPETUS tile normally cannot be activated by another tile once it has been placed.
"The Unicorn, for her part, did what even sacred creatures must sometimes do..."26. IMPETUS Pact Of Myrmil
Standard IMPETUS tile. Affects BORDERING tiles on the turn that it is placed.
BORDERING EFFECT: IMPETUS tiles activate any bordering tiles they touch on the turn they are placed down. An IMPETUS tile normally cannot be activated by another tile once it has been placed.
Myrmil was the WorldPlate that Gryrnu was colonized from, some 300 years in the past. The Pact made before the migration, between the Witches and the Alchemists, is the basis for all law on Gryrnu.27. IMPETUS Hatred
Standard IMPETUS tile. Affects BORDERING tiles on the turn that it is placed.
BORDERING EFFECT: IMPETUS tiles activate any bordering tiles they touch on the turn they are placed down. An IMPETUS tile normally cannot be activated by another tile once it has been placed.
"A...Monster in my house! Ot you hellspawn!28. IMPETUS Broom
Standard IMPETUS tile. Affects BORDERING tiles on the turn that it is placed.
BORDERING EFFECT: IMPETUS tiles activate any bordering tiles they touch on the turn they are placed down. An IMPETUS tile normally cannot be activated by another tile once it has been placed.
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